Feeling lonely or feeling free?

Living alone in a new city

I moved to Mexico City a year ago to begin a new chapter in my life, and I entirely transformed my life at that time. I’ve spent practically my whole life in Queretaro, where I previously lived with my family. When I traveled overseas, I did it with my best friend, so I never felt alone. But things were entirely different this time. First of all, it can be difficult to move to a new city, particularly if you are going alone and don’t know anyone. 

And I’ll be honest: there are times when I feel alone. Moving out on my own was frightening, and you have to do things on your own. At first, it felt strange to eat by yourself and go days without speaking to anyone. I also changed my lifestyle and began working in a hospital. It took me some time to adjust to my new job, new coworkers, and of course living alone.

My housework has never been an issue because I’ve always been very independent, but cooking for myself can be difficult at times. I enjoy spending time with others, cooking for them, and sharing stories, but my first month was terrible because I didn’t have a lot of friends and it took me some time to adjust to the workload at my new job. To be really honest, there were times when I just went home and cried. 
I have spent a lot of time alone, and let me tell you that is amazing. I take care of myself with compassion and love, and this time really helped me to take this opportunity to know my needs and fulfill them. However, as time went on, I began to enjoy my solo dates. I pushed myself to spend the weekends with just me,  myself and I. I enjoy having brunch, reading a book in the park, and having a solo date night with my own company. 

I’m asking you about freedom and loneliness because, although I felt alone at first, I now feel free to do everything I want, anytime I want. This event also taught me to cherish every moment because there won’t be another one just like today. Make the most of every minute. Enjoy your friends and family. 

You are fortunate to be reading this, that means you have learned a new language, you have internet or a phone to read this blog, and hopefully be in good health. 

Sometimes we don’t realize how fortunate we are until we are ill or something unfortunate occurs, so let this serve as a reminder to make the most of every moment of life by viewing every experience as a teaching opportunity. Love you and have a great day. 

Michelle Rv

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