Help Others


There are just those special people that just come in and leave footprints forever, and she did that to everybody.” Said by; Blake Densmore

I chose this quote to start this blog because it really caught my attention, and lately I have been trying to leave as many footprints behind as possible. This quote reminded me of a Mindfulness course I began about a year ago, where we were asked; “What will be said about you at your funeral?” Pretty good question to reflect upon, don’t you think? So what will people say about you when you are no longer here? And think about how easy it could be to help others, sometimes it could be something as simple as a felt heart “Good morning, how are you today?”

So going back to why I chose this topic to write about today, I was motivated by a captivating title in my email box from “FaithIt”. I normally don’t have much spare time to check all of the available resources that the internet so easily provides for free, but today luckily right before writing this Blog I opened a link to “FaithIt”, here it is in case you would like to check it out; So it was definitely the title that grabbed me as a teacher, therefore with my curiosity peaked I read the story about this amazing teacher who affected many people’s lives. I guess in many ways I feel the responsibility to make a difference in other people’s lives. I believe it is part of a teacher`s profile.

Now being an English teacher in a foreign country can sometimes make this mission a little more challenging in the classroom. How you may ask? Simply because communicating about deeper topics in a more profound way tends to be easier in our own native language, hence why I am trying to share about some topics that are important to me with our students, our Facebook fans and the internet public. In hopes that by reading about these issues people just may be driven to follow our mission statement; “to be better every day.” What’s your personal mission statement? Do you have one? Do you think having one may be important?

Over the last couple years I have attended the Wisdom 2.0 conference in San Francisco, along with taking various courses here in Querétaro and of course reading and more reading, oh yes and I can’t forget about following my favorite pastor on YouTube Joel Osteen. And as a result of all of these things I guess I can sum up by saying remember to try and be the difference that you want to see in the world. When people speak about karma probably there may be a lot of skeptics out there, but try it, you may just find out that it works.

So I hope that this blog may help you in some way to be a better human being today, maybe a little kinder, a little more patient, a little more flexible and a little more compassionate. Oh yes and on a final note last week during my mediation class our teacher spoke to us about compassion and I really loved his definition, he said that compassion is “alleviating another person’s suffering.”

Challenge for my students;

  • Find three different verb tenses within this blog
  • Pick 1-2 new vocabulary words that you didn’t know
  • FFind the phrasal verbs in the tex