Live and Learn

Hello everyone!

It’s me again, how are you doing? You know? It’s been a while since I’ve been here with you, so let’s start with this. Last year I wrote to you about our New Year Resolutions and my perspective about how we should keep them in mind and how I think we should plan them, according to what I’ve been learning. But this year I would like to talk about new learning and life experiences and how what I wrote last year impacted my life, and why? Because I think that if I share my experience that would be the best way for me to show you that I didn’t just write it to write it, but that I actually tried to put it into practice. I would love to hear about your experiences too, if you weren’t here last year I would like to invite you to read our blogs and to share your thoughts with us.

First let’s remember what I wrote last year:

1. Don’t worry from the beginning, you have plenty of time and more important you’re on time.

2. Don’t compare yourself with other people! If you’re here, you’re ready and you have enough motivation that’s more than enough to start your own change. Just remember it’s not magic, every new habit comes with time, effort and yes, sometimes a little bit of tears and blood. For example, if you want to spend more time with your family, organise your priorities and give yourself some free time to spend with them.

3. Give yourself self-love, as I said before you are important. If you don’t care about your body and mental health no one is going to do it for you, so schedule some time everyday just for you. Let your emotions be, do a beauty routine, sleep, read, jump, do exercise, take time to cook your own food, learn a new language, paint, sing, dance, yell, go for a coffee, watch a movie, I don’t know! But think about what makes you happy so you can leave all your worries behind, even for a couple of minutes every single day.

4. Choose your goals wisely, anything can be accomplished just be real with your goals and think about yourself while you work on them. Sometimes we create goals, but we don’t accomplish them because they aren’t our dreams, they are the dreams of another person, so forget about that and think about what you want! A good example could be related to exercise, so think about why you want to do it. Is it because our society says that you’re not good enough or is it because you want to be healthier? If it’s the second one you’re on the right path, but if it’s the first one, then maybe you shouldn’t give a damn about that, if you like your body the way it is then what’s the matter with that? Just love it and never let anyone make you think that you’re not good enough. If you don’t like your body that’s okay too, just remember this phrase “trabaja por el cuerpo que quieres, mientras amas el que tienes” @jousfit. I think that it’s a good phrase and example for this and I also like her philosophy.

5. Be patient, all changes come with time.

6. Be your own change, if you want to change your life, get out of your comfort zone.7. Live and enjoy your life, remember that you only get one, so be happy, be afraid, do good, make mistakes over and over again, but live and enjoy every single step.

Those are the tips I shared with you last year to try to be more organized or to achieve your goals and dreams. Lots of things worked out for me last year, but there is one that I just couldn’t achieve last year and it drove me crazy a couple times. So the information above is just to remind you that we need to be flexible and to remember that things are constantly changing. We should try to bring to our conscious mind the fact that no one is rushing us and we need to try to see the best of every situation. At the end of the day, as Heraclitus said, “change is the only constant in life.” That way we can do our best but sometimes things may not work out as we had originally planned, we are allowed to feel overwhelmed, but we need to always think about plan B and how we can make the best of every situation.

When one of our goals doesn’t work out the very first thing you need to do is to zero in on it and figure out where you want to be. I also suggest you remember that we are allowed to fail but what we are not allowed to do is to forget about our goal. Therefore, ideally focus on the problem but also your feelings, because remember, what we think and how we feel can be main factors that are not letting us be where we want to be. We can apply here what Miss Dani is always sharing with you, “The Four Agreements,” because those are going to be super powerful tools to be able to think with clarity. After some time we can say that now you have a plan b or plan which means that you have figured out some possible solutions. Next thing you might try is running your ideas by a friend, not necessarily for them to approve, but more to listen to their perspective and opinion.  Sometimes what we need is a second look, so feel free to always call someone back, someone you know has your back and is always there for you, remember what we need here is positivity, honesty and someone to trust.

Once you have decided about a new solution, what is left to do is to organize your time and schedule, if you need to you can also look for any courses, workshops, talks or any event to attend that you think may be helpful to achieve your goal, so here’s your example:

Last year I finished my degree so I thought I would be able to get my degree by December. I chose to do a dissertation with my friend. We found different difficulties like; our time, our different ideas, our jobs, the distance and school. Now for different reasons we had to figure out a new plan, because due to some special circumstances we had to split up and choose new ways to get our degrees. I will now continue writing the dissertation alone, with a different project so I have to read more and attend other events, but I know that I can always count on her, because she’ll always be there so I don’t feel alone or overwhelmed.

Now you know what to do and you have a little example, even though you’re experiencing the worst set back, you can always find a window. I love you all, see you next time, leave us your thoughts and ideas and I want to dare you to find our January Verbs and Phrasal Verbs.

With all my love, Mercy ♡

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